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Solicitation Q & A

Questions and Answers will be updated each Friday, or more frequently if necessary. Please check back.


Q:  Will the Bidder’s Conference be Virtual?
A: We do not have a virtual option set-up.

Q: What is your firewall size for scanned documents?  The 18-month requirement for monitoring, including PREA, could run hundreds of pages and we don’t want to bump into your data ceiling, especially if we are coming down to the submission wire?  If an issue, will you accept the scanned proposal in volumes?
A: The monitoring reports for the previous 18 months can be from any federal, state, and/or local certificate or letter.  This includes prior monitoring reports previously conducted by U.S. Probation or Pretrial Services.  With the broad range of monitoring reports considered acceptable, hopefully sending PREA documents will not be necessary.  Our file size limit is 15mb.  If your document exceeds 15mb it may be necessary to Zip the file or it would be acceptable to send the documents in volumes which are clearly labeled.     

Q: I note that your daily target population in Coconino County increased from about three in this ongoing contract cycle to upwards of eight in years four and five in the new proposal.  We understand that these are just estimates, but now that Probation and Pretrial Services are more unified is it the Department’s intention to place Public Law placements for a short period of time PENDING approval from the BOP RRM’s office in Phoenix?  We ask because in an emergency a placement under this contract could be made almost immediately, as opposed to delays usually associated with a BOP referral.  If so, what provisions, if any, are in place to consider separatees to ensure that residents with “stay away” orders do not become co-inhabitants?  
A: U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services have consolidated as agencies; however, this does not impact the halfway house RFP.  The BOP contract is separate and will remain separate from the Pretrial Services Halfway House RFP.  Pretrial Services will only be referring federal defendants on pretrial release status.   

Q: In terms of the requirements/qualifications for the “director, facility manager, or the individual with overall authority”, you note a degree OR five years of experience.  It is our custom and practice to swap out experience and college year for year: in other words, would you accept an AA degree and three years’ experience?  
A: Per the RFP, a bachelor’s degree in social or behavioral science combined with one year of related experience is required.  The only substitute would be five years’ experience in a correctional supervision or management role.  

Q: I completed the interested vendor’s information page, but there are more services/catchments areas I am interested in – do I need to fill out the information page again? 
A: All areas in which the District of Arizona is seeking treatment services have Requests for Proposals posted to the internet webpage, available for any vendor to retrieve and submit as a completed proposal – so long as they meet the requirements outlined in the RFP.  A vendor need not complete the “interested vendor form” more than once if there are different catchment areas or services for which they intend to submit a proposal. 

Q: Per Section F.1.c., a vendor cannot unilaterally refuse services to any client.  Our agency has a Late Policy whereby clients are turned away for services if they are late for Groups (zero tolerance policy) or Individual appts. (by more than 5 minutes). Is our policy acceptable?
A: A late policy as described is acceptable. Please ensure any client in crisis who arrives late has resources available to address their needs – so they are not placing the community or themselves in danger.

Q: Regarding contract 142-Tucson SO treatment – was the 5025-VRT code purposely left off the RFP? Or just an oversight since the treatment and evaluations are 2 separate contracts?
A: In Tucson, catchments were designed to have treatment and evaluations in separate BPAs. As such, contract 0970-25-142 for SO treatment does not contain project code 5025.

Q: I wanted to see if there is any flexibility to the catchment areas specified on the RFP?  We operate an outpatient co-occurring mental health and substance use program about 4 miles south of Mesa which is listed as a catchment area, but in another city.  Would our center's location disqualify us from eligibility?
A: The vendor is required to have a physical location inside the outlined catchment area. A site outside the catchment area, regardless of proximity, would not meet the requirements of the RFP.

Q: Can you provider further clarification on what is required for current subcontractors submitting proposals for BPAs?
A: BPAs with the district of Arizona are with the primary contracted vendor. Subcontractors are treated as new contracts when completing their own BPA proposals. Current subcontractors should submit monitoring reports for agreements with agencies, as well as the agreements they are subcontracting for, including those with the District of Arizona. Primary contractors have copies of these reports. Subcontractors will also need to submit references in accordance with the guidelines spelled out in the BPA.

Q: Per the solicitation, it states that the vendor shall maintain a physical facility in the catchment area.  Can the facility be sublet from an existing business?   Are there any restrictions on leasing a single office from an existing business that meets all stated requirements?
A: Yes, the facility can be sublet from an existing business so long as it meets the requirements listed in the RFP. You can lease a single office within a business meeting the requirements.

Q: Will vendors be acknowledged when RFP’s are received?
A: Yes.

Q: Does the assessment have to be scheduled and completed within the 15 days?
A: The assessment needs to be scheduled within 15 days of receiving the Prob 45. Once completed and sent to the officer within 10 days. If the vendor is having issues reaching the defendant/person under supervision to schedule, please reach out to the probation officer. 

Q:  The wording in the RFP is the vendor must initiate, does that mean the vendor has to call the client?
A:  The vendor is required to keep track of the time frame limits and reach out to the and or officer to schedule appointments.
Q:  Providers must be licensed?
A:  Each project code has specific requirements. Please carefully read the specifics for each specific project code.
Q: Does the officer determine if it is an integrated report or just an SU or MH report?
A: The court will determine what type of assessment will need to be completed through their orders.

Q: Does mental disabilities qualify for co-occurring?
A: No. We don’t have a code for cognitive services.

Q: If the received Prob 45 asks for SU but vendor finds the defendant/person under supervision also needs MH services, can the vendor add that service?
A: No. A staffing needs to take place between the officer and the vendor. The service will need to be court order if needed.

Q:  If someone has a serious substance use does the Court screen for mental health?
A:  Most history is self-reported.  If completing a substance use assessment and feel that mental health services are needed, we may need to go back to the Court or amend the Prob 45 if the Court already ordered mental health.  Sometimes mental health will alleviate itself once the substance use is dealt with.

Q: Is the court determining what treatment services the person under supervision needs?
A: Initial information is often self-reported. Verification is sought through third parties and records requests. The Court must order any services being funded by or required by Pretrial and Probation officers.

Q: Do you anticipate most Prob 45s to request integrated services?
A: The EMQs listed in each RFP reflect our best estimate of the needs of the district.

Q: Noticed the local needs for bilingual providers. Is that for all RFPs?
A: Spanish and Navajo are the language local needs. Only specific RFPs will ask for a specific language.

Q: Does the interpreter have to be in person?
A: No. The interpreter can be telephonically utilized. As long as the therapist is present and face to face with client.

Q: Regarding the 5012 Psychosexual Evaluation – how will the vendor obtain the polygraph since that will now be a separate service?
A: The probation officer will forward the polygraph report to the vendor completing the psychosexual evaluation.

Q: Would VRT be included in the initial sex offender assessment?
A: The VRT is not always needed.  All project codes need to be completed independent of other tests (such as the Polygraph and VRT).   This report can stand alone and does not have to have the VRT or Polygraph to complete.

Q: Is it a requirement to review the Sex Offender History Questionnaire with the client?
A: Yes, it is a requirement and would be billable. Request an individual treatment service code to be added to the Prob 45 to review the SO History Questionnaire with the client.

Q: If a client has three family members who want to complete chaperone treatment, can we bill for each person attending?
A: No. Family members attending Chaperone Training at the same time can only be billed as a single unit. 

Q: If family members want to attend Treatment Readiness services how is that billed?
A: Can only be billed 1.00 unit no matter how many family members attend the class with the client.

Q:  Do we have a specialized treatment code for PreTrial Services?
A:  Yes, 7000 codes (7013 and 7023)

Q: Can the vendors records be subpoenaed? 
A: Yes; however, if that happens, contact a Contracting Officer as outlined in the Statement of Work first. The release of records must be approved by the US District Court.

Q: Can we be contingent on obtaining a workspace if awarded for that catchment area?
A: No. A vendor must have an existing space prior to being awarded a contract.

Q: Regarding UA’s – If a lid was screwed on correctly and there was leakage, is that still considered a “no test?”
A: Yes, it is still considered to be a “no test.” All “no tests” will not be paid.

Q: Where do I find the RFP’s?

Q: Is there a reason Tucson Sex Offender Treatment and Evaluations were not combined like they are for the Phoenix area?
A: Due to how the catchment areas were divided and the needs of those areas.

Q: Is there a set time frame for juvenile residential treatment?
A: Maximum of 90 days. If need be, can request transitional housing for up to 270 days.

Q: What is the difference between halfway house and transitional housing?
A: Transitional housing is for only juveniles.

Q: For residential treatment, would UA’s be onsite or subcontracted out?
A: Will be onsite. Vendors will be trained on how to properly collect UA’s.

Q: Difference between Halfway House and Sober Living (Residential)?
A: Halfway House – Alternative to detention.  Must know where client is at ALL times. Must be staffed 24 hours and day seven days per week. Client is on a high level of supervision. Client can be a flight risk. More structured program. Pretrial clients only.

Q: Arizona Department of Health Services is recommending having NARCAN on hand. Do you provide that?
A: While it is definitely a good idea to have NARCAN on hand, US Pretrial Services and US Probation does not provide it to the vendors.

Q:  What is the limit for document size (In regards to submitting the RFP)
A:  15 megabytes.  Anything larger will need to be split, sent in multiple emails.

Q: The requirement that scheduling of an assessment needs to be within 15 days of receiving the Prob 45 – What if the client doesn’t show up or want an appointment outside the 15 day time frame?
A: No shows are not the fault of the vendor. Communicate with the officer and let them know the client isn’t showing up or is being resistant to making appointment within the 15 day time frame. 
Q: Navajo Nation Specific: Please clarify the additional requirement for some in person sessions when all other sessions are via telehealth and office space.
A: Even though vendor may be using telehealth, six sessions in that year must be in person.  Office space may be day use rental.  List the spaces you will use for the face to face sessions.  

Q: If the vendor’s own treatment plan form is already “robust,” can we use that instead of using the governments form?
A: If using your own treatment plan form, vendor must have items A through I listed and answered.

Q: Navajo Nation RFP states the local need of a Navajo speaking interpreter.  Does this need to be a staff member or can it be a hired interpreter?
A: An interpreter can be used via telephone or in person. The clinician does not need to be bilingual. 

Q:  Do the vendors have to include resumes of staff with the RFP?
A: No. Vendor just needs to fill out required attachment regarding staff. We also don’t require building inspection documents to be submitted with RFPs.  The person submitting the RFP is verifying that staff have all the appropriate certificates and education and that the building is up to code.

Q: If the vendor already contracts with an agreement (BPA) in the prior fiscal year, and wants to expand to another catchment area (city), do they have to submit references again?
A: No. If the vendor has an existing BPA contract with PTS or Probation, they do not need to resubmit references. If the vendor has only Non-Competitive (1 year) agreements, they must submit references.

Q:  If we have an existing agreement, do we need to provide monitoring reports?
A: No

Q: Do subcontractors have to sign anything in the RFP?
A: No. Vendor is taking the responsibility.

Q:  We will need to submit the monitoring report from AHCCCS.  Do you need the letter?
A:  Yes, submit the components of monitoring indicating the overall rating from the agency.

Q: For residential contracts, who does the vendor contact for UA training?
A: They would contact Ana Angulo or Eric Franssen with US Pretrial Services.

Q: We are currently funded for Psych services in Maricopa under #0970-24-601 that expires 9/30/2024, should we submit an application for this RFP to try to renew these services under the 0970-25-230 application? 
A: If you are interested in providing services beyond September 20, you would need to submit a proposal as outlined in the RFP for agreement 0970-25-230 – yes.

Q: We are providing SU and MH in Yuma, and we’d like to offer to add Psych to Yuma.  Our question is if the Psych provider must be only in-person visit or can we do a hybrid of telehealth and in-person with the psych provider?  
A: All services provided under the agreement (funded by the District of Arizona) require face-to-face contact with the provider, including psych services. There are very limited exceptions for the use of telehealth – it must be for the benefit of the judiciary, not the benefit of the provider.

Q: We are planning to submit proposals for Yuma SU, MH and Psych (0970-25-210) – should we submit three different 0970-25-210 applications so that one application is for each service MH, SU and Psych?   Or can we submit one application for Yuma that includes all three different services MH, SU, Psych? 
A: Each RFP requires one submitted proposal (directions in Section L of the document). Because 0970-25-210 is one agreement containing multiple services, it requires only one response addressing all services.

Q: It was stated during the training that this program is the payer of last resort and if people have AHCCCS coverage, they must bill them prior to the U.S. courts program.  AHCCCS utilizes a prior authorization process for residential treatment services.   If those with AHCCCS are denied in the prior-authorization process, is that when we are able to bill the U.S. Court program, directly. 
A: If those with AHCCCS are denied in the prior-authorization process, then yes, the Court is then billed directly.

Q: Is it common for those being referred through your program to have AHCCCS or will most of your referrals be billed to the U.S. Courts program? 
A: It is common for people to have AHCCCS, however, not everyone does and those are directly billed to the U.S. Courts. At times, AHCCCS will only cover partial treatment, if this happens the Court would then pick up where AHCCCS coverage stopped.

Q: How many probationers reside in Yuma and Prescott that need to be testing a month?
A: The smaller polygraph agreements, like Yuma and Prescott, may have anywhere from 2-5 clients requiring polygraphs in a month, followed by several months with no testing, creating the low EMQ.

Q: Am I able to use the Federal Adult Probation office to administer these polygraphs in Prescott and Yuma?
A: Polygraphers are not able to use the federal probation office to conduct polygraphs in any catchment areas, as the requirement for a site remain as outlined in the RFP.

Q: Can you further explain Boxes 8 & 10?
A: Box 8 – if other than 365 days, the offeror must specify the time frame for which acceptance can be made wherein the vendor agrees to provide services. Most commonly, this remains 365 days. Box 10 is for the acknowledgement of amendments. At this time, the Halfway House agreements are the only BPAs with amendments. In the case of agreements without amendments, this will be left blank.

Q: Per the instructions, existing providers do not need to provide references as outlined on page L-15.  However, we would like to confirm that if, as an existing provider, we have a new staff member coming on board, you would like references either for that staff member, or for the provider in order to cover all bases.
A: New staff members do not require references, as references are provided for the vendor as a whole. As a vendor with an existing BPA, references were checked to initiate the first BPA agreement, and are therefore not required for current BPA holders.

Q: When bidding for two contracts, do I need to complete a packet for each location?
A: Proposals must be submitted completely for each RFP a vendor is interested in providing services for.

Q: Are we able to choose the days our provider would be on-site, or do you require a fully flexible schedule for the provider?
A: You can choose the days the provider would be on-site, but you must be able to meet the timelines outlined in the Statement of Work for timeliness of services. Each project code notes the specific timeframe in which the service must be scheduled (for example: 15 days from receipt of Prob 45). So long as the scheduled time for the provider meet these needs, you would be in compliance with the requirements of the agreement.